Speak to us

Editorial Director

Dr. Katja Richter


+49 (0)171 / 75 82 225

Acquisitions Editor

Kathleen Herfurth


+ 49 (0)30 279 076 61

Acquisitions Editor

Dr. Pablo Schneider


+49 (0)30 260 054 50

Acquisitions Editor

Dr. Anja Weisenseel


+49 (0)89 769 023 88

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You have a book idea or already a finished manuscript and are looking for a publisher? We welcome suggestions for new publication projects. As an art publisher with a long tradition, we are happy to offer our experience and accompany your book project with passion and quality standards. Get in touch with us! We look forward to developing and realizing your idea with you.

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Deutscher Kunstverlag

Genthiner Straße 13

10785 Berlin

+49 (0)30 / 27 90 76 - 0

Neumarkter Straße 28

81673 München

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