Journal of Art History becomes Open Access

Journal of Art History becomes Open Access

Starting 2023, the Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte will be transferred to Diamond Open Access on a year-by-year basis. All articles will thus immediately appear under the Creative Commons license CC-BY-NC-ND. There will be no publication costs for the authors.

The Open Access transformation is based on Subscribe-to-Open, an alternative model that enables the full Open Access transformation of journals through the continuation of existing subscriptions. The prerequisite for successful transformation is that subscriptions are continued to the same extent as before. The editors of the Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte and the publisher De Gruyter would therefore like to thank all subscribers for their support, which has made the transformation to Open Access possible.

Editorial from issue 1.2023

This first issue of 2023 marks the transfer of the Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte to gold open access. This means that the content of each new edition —articles, essays, discussions and reviews — will be made available immediately on the websites of Deutscher Kunstverlag, the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte and De Gruyter Verlag without either a paywall or an embargo period. It is published under a CC-BY-NC-ND Creative Commons license, which means that content use is tied to certain conditions: The author must be credited by name, the texts and their illustrations may not be changed in any way, and their commercial use is strictly prohibited.

Access is now available on the basis of the “subscribe to open” model, which enables open access publication by means of the continuation of existing subscriptions to the print edition. The editors of the Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, the editorial staff, the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, and Deutscher Kunstverlag would like to thank all subscribers for their ongoing support, without which this move to open access would not have been possible.

Indeed reconciling the interests of our readership, our authors, libraries and the publisher was rather like squaring a circle, but it had to be done if the journal’s well-established print edition was to be continued, even as its content was made available online without either a paywall or an embargo period.*

Michael Cole, Burcu Dogramaci, Ann-Sophie Lehmann, Brigitte Sölch and Gregor Wedekind

* Translation by Bronwen Saunders

All information about the journal.

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