Dubuffet, Chaissac, Soutter, Gill, Held, Wölfli | “True art is where it is not expected”

09/16/2023 – 02/25/2024
Eröffnung: 09/15/2023, 7:00 p.m.
Gutshaus Steglitz, Berlin

Dubuffet, Chaissac, Soutter, Gill, Held, Wölfli | “True art is where it is not expected”

As an artist, and as a theorist and collector of Art brut, Jean Dubuffet changed the concept of art in the 20th century. He provided a definition of Art brut in 1949: “we understand it as works executed by people untouched by artistic culture […].” These included Gaston Chaissac, Louis Soutter, Adolf Wölfli, Madge Gill and Margarethe Held. The self-taught artists and social outsiders gave him inspiration on his own path in art; they released the delight in experimentation so characteristic of Dubuffet’s work, along with anti-cultural and anti-aesthetic ideas. 

At the Gutshaus Steglitz in Berlin, 50 works of Art Brut are on view in an exhibition curated by Brigitte Hausmann. Among them are 25 works by Debuffet from his 40-year artistic career, as well as other exhibits by Chaissac, Soutter, Wölfli, Gill and Held.

Opening: Freitag, 15. September 2023, 19:00 Uhr

Gutshaus Steglitz
Schloßstraße 48
12165 Berlin

More information about the exhibition.

More on the title “True art is where it is not expected” can be found here.

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