08/31/ – 09/01/2023
St. Matthäus-Kirche, Berlin
At the beginning of the 20th century, a group of artists around Henri Matisse and André Derain were carrying out revolutionary colour experiments. The art critic Louis Vauxcelles gave them their name in 1905: the “Fauves”. Translated into English, this means something like “beasts” or “wild animals”.
What could be appropriate artistic forms of remembrance? How can we approach the human catastrophe of the Shoah in pictures? – The symposium “Am Abgrund der Bilder” takes up these questions and brings them into discussion with international art historians, philosophers and philosophers of religion.
St. Matthäus-Kirche
10785 Berlin
More information about the event.
More on the title Am Abgrund der Bilder can be found here.