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Nuove miniature del Maestro del Libro d’Ore di Modena e altri frammenti tardogotici lombardi a Torino

Alessia Marzo

Online veröffentlicht:

18 Oct 2023



Seven unpublished illuminated fragments from the Museo Civico d’Arte Antica in Turin are examined and placed in the context of Lombard Late Gothic book illumination. An antiphonary with Proper and Commons of Saints decorated by the Master of the Modena Book of Hours is partially reconstructed. A miniature depicting the Imago Pietatis is traced back to one of that master’s masterpieces, the Parma Book of Hours. The well-known miniature with Saint John the Baptist is all that survives of a lost Book of Hours closely related to Michelino da Besozzo’s models, while an initial with Saint Augustine is traced back to a lost antiphonary made in Pavia, perhaps to be ascribed to the Master of Laura Bossi around 1485.

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