Article cover

Wie Architekturgeschichte schreiben, wie Architekturgeschichte denken?

Christian Fuhrmeister

Aus der Zeitschrift: architectura

Online veröffentlicht:

25 Nov 2022



The short intervention pleads for a comprehensive analysis of architecture in the sense of an encompassing history of the built environment. Trespassing beyond the study of formal invention and mere aesthetic qualities, the paper argues for a holistic or systemic approach that aims at incorporating the many truly fundamental and foundational aspects, like capital in the form of land or financial resources, or power. Since many forces shape the building, it is a unique source in its own right that can be used, in turn, for an enhanced understanding of past societies. At the same time, this broader assessment is meaningful and relevant for us today.

Weitere Artikel in diesem Heft:

architectura Hefte

Volume 51 (2021)
Volume 50 (2020)
Volume 49 (2019)
Volume 48 (2018)
Volume 47 (2017)
Volume 46 (2016)
Volume 45 (2015)

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