Article cover

Baugeschichte, global gedacht

Beate Löffler

Aus der Zeitschrift: architectura

Online veröffentlicht:

25 Nov 2022



The short opinion piece understands building as a fundamental human practice and therefore equally global and local. It argues in favour of embracing the global dimension as a sensible and possibly even necessary way to develop our subject further. The paper suggests taking advantage of already existing knowledge and competence worldwide by deliberately networking beyond its own field despite extra work and conceptual quandary. It outlines some approaches and expects these to lead to the utilisation of informational resources that are often overlooked, the replacement of the last remnants of hegemonic interpretation in the 19th century, and the confident connectivity to those disciplines that share the discourse on planning, building, city, space, and architecture.

Weitere Artikel in diesem Heft:

architectura Hefte

Volume 51 (2021)
Volume 50 (2020)
Volume 49 (2019)
Volume 48 (2018)
Volume 47 (2017)
Volume 46 (2016)
Volume 45 (2015)

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