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Befundbuch 3.0. Befundansprache und Befundverortung durch semantische Technologien

Stefan Breitling , Tobias Arera-Rütenik , Jürgen Giese und Leonhard Salzer

Aus der Zeitschrift: architectura

Online veröffentlicht:

25 Nov 2022



Building archaeological findings are the primary sources of historic building research and an important basis for object-oriented interpretation in architectural history. In order to preserve the spatial, temporal and other content-related cross-references and contexts that are particularly valuable for analysis, a loose collection of diverse presentation formats such as descriptive texts, findings sheets, plan drawings and 3D representations has become established. However, this diversity is also a reason for the lack of accessibility and sustainable connectivity of this useful information. Linked Open Data technologies of the Semantic Web offer the possibility of making the findings available in a human- and machine-readable form, together with their diverse references. This requires consistent ›semantic modelling‹ of the material evidence in ontological form, oriented on specialist scientific needs.

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