Article cover

Ökonomien der sozialen Medien – Bildpolitik und Gemeinschaftsbildung in den digitalen Netzwerken der Gegenwartskunst

Antje Krause-Wahl

Online veröffentlicht:

18 Dec 2018



Following debates on participation and the relationship between art and politics as a central question of contemporary art, this essay discusses networked communities in the visual cultures of ‘Post-Internet Art’. For DIS and Juliana Huxtable digital communities are both the topic of their installations and pictures and part of their artistic activities within the internet: the blog DIS Magazine and the tumblr blog Blue Lip Black Witch-Cunt. In comparing their artistic practice with network-like communication in magazines of the 1970s, the essay argues that it is not a central concern of post-internet art how network images may subvert the economy of images in the net. Rather this kind of art demonstrates the effects of networks, in which participation causes singularity instead of community.

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