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Aneignung und ›Neuinszenierung‹ von Evangeliaren in institutionellem und liturgischem Gebrauch – drei Fallbeispiele

Doris Oltrogge

Online veröffentlicht:

01 Jul 2017



The paper presents three case studies of ancient Gospel Books which were reworked and adapted to changing liturgical and monastic practices. The reasons for the choice of a specific older manuscript are discussed, which could be the real or presumed connection with the foundation, but also the archaic character of the script. The methods of reworking include visual signs like bookmarks, nota bene signs, or display scripts to emphasize lecture texts. Whereas these revisions concentrate on the Gospel Book as a textbook, in another case the transformations focus on the whole manuscript as an object. The introduction of miniatures, purple pages, and gold script combined modern elements with allusions to ancient practices to create a tradition of ancient fundatio.

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