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The So-Called Sainte-Chapelle Windows of Soissons Cathedral: Another Look

Meredith Parsons Lillich

Online veröffentlicht:

01 Jul 2016



The stained glass in the axial chapel of Soissons Cathedral was moved there from the nave in the late eighteenth century. It was made circa 1250 by the “principal atelier” of the Sainte-Chapelle in Paris, and consists of fragments that survived the Huguenot attacks of 1567. This study establishes that these figural fragments glazed the nave aisles, while coeval grisailles – which survive only minimally – glazed the nave clerestories. The grisailles, known chiefly from nineteenth-century drawings, thus provide evidence for the nave glazing in the Lower Chapel of the Sainte-Chapelle, which was lost in 1690.

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